Top Tips Of Creative Zen 4GB Mp3 Players
Executive Summary about 4gb mp3 players by Harvey Ramos
This creative zen 4gb mp3 players is a great choice for those people who previously limited their flash players to workout duty.
Only holding a small piece of their large music collection and having to change the music on creative zen 4gb mp3 players every so often. First impressions of this 4gb mp3 players are very good. This 4gb mp3 players is extremely appealing to the eye, everyone who sees it will ask about it.
The front of this creative zen 4gb mp3 players is a very glossy black plastic that looks great until you touch it. Instantly covering it with fingerprints. The back of this creative zen 4gb mp3 players is a rough, cheaper feeling black plastic. This creative zen 4gb mp3 players has a nice solid weight and feel to it, but not very heavy. This creative zen 4gb mp3 players will easily fit in a pocket.
The 2.5" screen of creative zen 4gb mp3 players is absolutely gorgeous. Very bright with vivid colors. The viewing angle of zen 4gb mp3 players is very good. Two people can easily look at the screen at the same time while watching a movie for example. The menus of creative zen 4gb mp3 players are all nicely animated and intuitive to navigate. The icons and text of this 4gb mp3 players are big clear and easy to read.
Transferring files of creative zen 4gb mp3 players was very easy and very quick. The video quality of creative zen 4gb mp3 players was great as well. The max size of videos is apparently 320x240. Music sounds very good on creative zen 4gb mp3 players. The FM radio has a whopping 32 presets and the reception is pretty good.
I easily transferred music and playlists onto this 4gb mp3 players. Everything was very easy, usually just dragging and dropping. A quick note about the firmware.
Check out my other guide on Mp3 1GB