Executive Summary about mp3 video players by P. Worley

Strangely enough the finish on the rest of the front of the Fuze mp3 video players is much more scratch resistant. The Fuze mp3 video players uses a proprietary connector to connect to your computer's USB port rather than a standard USB Mini-B plug. This means if you lose it you can't just use a standard cable of Fuze mp3 video players.
The Fuze mp3 video players takes too long to refresh when each time you unplug it from your computer or plug in a MicroSD card. The Fuze mp3 video players goes through a process of "Refreshing your media". This may be an issue with my particular Fuze mp3 video players. But on occassion it will refuse to play particular tracks. Hopefully as the Fuze mp3 video players becomes more mature these issues will go away, as they mar an otherwise great device.
Product Description SanDisk Sansa Fuze 8 GB Mp3 Video Players
Executive Summary about mp3 video players by Chaim Yitzchok
Many options on the Fuze mp3 video players to play your music, for example by Artists, by my top rated, by Albums. You can also resume playback on a video. The battery of Fuze mp3 video players lasts about 24 hours when listening to music. If watching videos or looking at pictures the battery of Fuze mp3 video players lasts 4-5 hours. I have the sansa fuze mp3 video players for 7months and I'm happy with a lot of the features.
For example the sound is very good, and the sansa fuze mp3 video players is thin and comfortable in my hand. All my friends like Fuze mp3 video players, and one liked it so much that he bought it the next week. With Fuze mp3 video players, you can watch a slideshow, play your music at the same time.
Overall The Fuze 8 gb mp3 video players is a great gadget and I would highly recommend the sansa Fuze to anyone looking for a low-cost small media device.
Check out my other guide on Digital Mp3 Player